1) The bicycle is delivered in excellent condition and maintenance.

The bicycle must be returned in compliance with the communicated times, in the same place where it was rented.

2) The user undertakes:

  1. To ride the bicycle on routes suited to one’s abilities, with prudence and diligence and in compliance with current laws and regulations and to return the bicycle in the same condition in which it was received.
  2. To strictly comply with the Highway Code; The Si Montalcino Hotel declines all responsibility in the event of improper use of the vehicle and failure to comply with the rules of the highway code.
  3. The user relieves the renter from any responsibility deriving from the custody and circulation of the bicycle, assuming any personal injury, damage caused to third parties as well as any theft, even partial, of the vehicle.

The SI Montalcino Hotel is exempt of any compensation


  1. In the event of theft of the vehicle or damage to parts and accessories, the customer is required to refund the part at the current list price and the cost of labor.
  2. Signing the rental rules by the user assumes knowledge and unconditional acceptance of this regulation, the rates, the opening and closing times of the service.